Peace Education

I began collecting songs, verses, poems, and stories in 1991. Today, more than ever, it is a treasure to know poetry by heart. At times of waiting, loneliness, or pleasant downtime it simply is a gift and a great skill to recite to oneself or with others. How much fun is it to blast the pizza song in the car, and how heartwarming is it when children look at each other while speaking the “I offer you peace…” poem? Many of the verses evoke reverence and gratitude at a time when so much around us demands ‘more’ and ‘faster’. Although there are no given melodies in this book, it is fairly easy to come up with a simple tune from any nursery rhyme. Often the rhythm of the poem will set the melodic emphasis all on its own. There is no right or wrong.

The right is reflected in the joy, laughter, and connectedness of your community!

All files are in English. Please, select carefully. No refunds will be provided. Thank you!

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